Do you want to pay a healthcare bill online? Make a payment now

Watch this video clip and then download our Lunch and Learn Guide for discussion questions and additional resources to review with your team as you consider potential updates to your billing policy.

Collecting patient payments can be challenging, but with the right policies and technology in place your team can achieve payment assurance and deliver an overall better experience.

One best practice for pre-service and point-of-service financial engagement is to securely save payment cards on file. The key is to communicate and make it convenient for the patient. Once a card is saved on file your organization, you can use these saved payment methods to cover balances once claims are adjudicated or to collect recurring payments.

Watch this video clip to learn more about the benefits of saving patient payment methods on file. Afterwards, download our Lunch and Learn Guide to leverage with your team as you consider implementing the best practice as part of your billing policy.