Do you want to pay a healthcare bill online? Make a payment now

Cornerstone Pediatrics is a solo practice run by Dr. Robert P. Stephens in Seguin, Texas. The practice serves 1,500 active patients and the staff includes two medical assistants and one practice manager. All quotes referenced in this case study were provided by Dr. Stephens.
"Since InstaMed seamlessly integrated with our Office Practicum software, we were able to successfully implement a new billing policy with minimal overhead or disruption to our current workflow. As a result, well over 90% of our patient payment collections are completely automated and we’ve reduced statement printing by 98%."
Dr. Robert P. Stephens, Founder and President Cornerstone Pediatrics
Cornerstone Pediatrics wanted to establish a new billing policy that would require patients to keep a card saved on file. They needed to find a solution that would support the billing policy without creating staff overhead or disrupting the current workflow.
Cornerstone Pediatrics implemented the InstaMed Patient Payments solution to seamlessly integrate with Cornerstone Pediatrics’ existing Office Practicum software and automate the collection of patient balances.
Percentage of patient payments automated, including collections, posting and reconciliation
Reduced number of statements mailed each month
Reduced patient bad debt to 0.03% of revenue