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Geisinger Health Plan (GHP) serves the healthcare needs of over 500,000 members in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maine, New Jersey and West Virginia. GHP’s provider network includes more than 30,000 primary care and specialty physicians, 1,600 primary care sites and more than 110 hospitals.
"Our health plan was transacting all electronic payments ourselves and using a vendor to print and mail our paper checks. We were also in charge of setting up providers for ERA/EFT. These manual, labor-intensive processes resulted in data entry errors and delayed payments, which distracted our business from focusing on provider adoption of ERA/EFT. Partnering with InstaMed has changed all of that."
Case Study Quoted Person Image
Bob Hough, Geisinger Health Plan
GHP was dissatisfied with the state of its provider payments, due to a disconnected process, lack of electronic payment adoption across the majority of its provider network and inefficiencies created by payment errors and provider confusion.
GHP chose to partner with InstaMed to resolve the inefficiencies and complexities of its existing provider payment process and to increase electronic remittance advice/electronic funds transfer (ERA/EFT) transaction items by improving provider adoption.
Annual cost savings
Provider payments delivered via ERA/EFT