Do you want to pay a healthcare bill online? Make a payment now

Healthcare organization leaders face many questions when considering how to accept pharmacy payments. Should you accept FSA/HSA debit cards for purchases? Should you register as an IIAS or 90% merchant with SIGIS? Can you leverage existing payment vendors for pharmacy transactions?

Accepting pharmacy payments is complex. Each payment method has its own rules and regulations that must be followed, which can be confusing to navigate.

As always, healthcare organizations should prioritize payment experiences that are both convenient and secure for patients and staff while taking into account the unique considerations that come with pharmacy transactions.

In this webinar, you will:

  • Understand SIGIS and the IRS requirements for operating an inventory information approval system (IIAS)
  • Learn about the two levels of SIGIS registration: 90% merchants and IIAS merchants
  • Review integration options with Epic Willow for pharmacy payments
  • Discover opportunities to improve the consumer experience with omnichannel payments


Amanda Friedland

Vice President

J.P. Morgan Healthcare Payments

Callan Memmo

Vice President

J.P. Morgan Healthcare Payments