Do you want to pay a healthcare bill online? Make a payment now

High deductible health plans (HDHPs) are a main driver of growing payments from patients. Over the last decade, the average deductible amount for single coverage has increased 53 percent to more than $1,700 in 2023.1

As patients must navigate growing deductibles, provider organizations are challenged to collect the high out-of-pocket amounts due. In fact, half of providers have said large patient balances are a top challenge for their organization. This challenge is never felt more than when deductibles reset. While many reset in January, not all health plans follow this timeframe.

Now is the right time to review patient collections and prepare for deductible resetting at any point of the year. Join our webinar as we explore the current state of patient deductible resets. Attendees will learn how to implement financial strategies that emphasize efficiency and resilience to face the challenge of deductibles resetting head-on.

Learning objectives:

  • Review data on the current economic state of U.S. healthcare organizations
  • Identify the biggest challenges facing healthcare revenue cycle leaders and teams
  • Understand best practices for automation and workflow efficiency
  • Gain actionable takeaways to improve how you collect patient out-of-pocket payments

1 Kaiser Family Foundation, 2023 Employer Health Benefits Survey, October 2023


Matthew Nix

Executive Director, Healthcare Industry Solutions

J.P. Morgan Healthcare Payments

Lindsey Pitts

Vice President

J.P. Morgan Healthcare Payments