InstaMed External Payment Page Integration is available in the Epic App Orchard. This integration enables healthcare organizations using Epic to create a seamless online consumer payment experience while dramatically reducing PCI scope and costs.
InstaMed External Payment Page Integration allows MyChart websites to collect real-time credit card and bank account payments via InstaMed while keeping sensitive data from touching a healthcare organization’s servers. As a result, healthcare organizations reduce their annual PCI compliance efforts up to 90 percent and significantly reduce their audit, hardware and personnel costs.
InstaMed Epic External Payment Page Integration also allows users to save tokenized payments for future use. This enables patients and guarantors to store preferred payment methods in a digital wallet that they can easily access for future and recurring payments. Additionally, healthcare organizations can leverage InstaMed to accept integrated patient payments in all settings: front office (EMV, swipe, keyed), back office (keyed), kiosk and online.
→ See Also: Epic and InstaMed Integration
The Epic App Orchard is a marketplace for applications that have been built on top of the Epic Platform. Epic’s App Orchard helps businesses improve the value of the products and services marketed to the Epic community—the single largest group of EHR users in the U.S. The program gives participants access to key Epic tools and technical support, ensuring that InstaMed is fully integrated within Epic.

InstaMed and Epic have a longstanding history of collaboration and innovation dating back over a decade. InstaMed worked with Epic to design, build and test new patient payment technologies including EMV, Apple Pay®, Google Pay™ and check processing.