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How to Guarantee Patient Payments When Deductibles Reset

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Let’s face it: Patients are frustrated by confusing and inconvenient healthcare payment experiences. They may not fully understand deductible resets or their healthcare plan’s policies. Here are tips to improve your conversations with patients about their financial responsibility.

Here are three kinds of conversations you can initiate to
change the payments relationship with patients after deductibles reset.

“What payment method would you like us to keep

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The Hidden Potential of BYOD and Provider Check-In to Transform Member Engagement

In 2017, U.S. healthcare spending reached nearly $3.5 trillion, or $10,348 per consumer, at a projected growth rate of 4.6 percent. Healthcare spending has become nearly a fifth of the nation’s total Gross Domestic Product (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services). This steady growth and large size of the industry make it a major economic driver for the country.

Whether the industry can sustain this size and growth are questions that remain unanswered. The answers, and thereby the future of the

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