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Three Reasons Why Patient Engagement Matters

Healthcare consumers today owe more for both medical services and health plan premiums. Though the U.S. spends twice as much per person on average for healthcare compared to other industrialized countries, 75 percent of Americans say that the country does not get good value for what is spent. The healthcare experience for patients can no longer be overlooked. Here are three reasons why engaging patients is necessary to create a better healthcare experience.

1. 72 percent of consumers are confused by

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The Hidden Potential of BYOD and Provider Check-In to Transform Member Engagement

In 2017, U.S. healthcare spending reached nearly $3.5 trillion, or $10,348 per consumer, at a projected growth rate of 4.6 percent. Healthcare spending has become nearly a fifth of the nation’s total Gross Domestic Product (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services). This steady growth and large size of the industry make it a major economic driver for the country.

Whether the industry can sustain this size and growth are questions that remain unanswered. The answers, and thereby the future of the

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A Great Patient Payment Experience Is Not That Simple

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Improving the patient experience is at the forefront of conversation today for healthcare organizations.

Some vendors claim to offer the simplest, most user-friendly payment experience, but they are only focusing on one specific area of the process instead of the full end-to-end experience. In order to deliver the best possible patient payment experience, ask yourself, what does a great patient payment experience really look like? Here

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Interoperability: Beyond the Clinical Side of Healthcare

Growing need for interoperability

Healthcare reform is driving a greater need for efficiency, resulting in the formation of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and provider consolidation.  As provider organizations using different systems work together, there is a much greater need to integrate heterogeneous environments to achieve system interoperability.  However, healthcare information is often not easily exchanged among providers because of paper-based processes or systems that are not compatible.  In fact, 71% of providers surveyed said the lack of system interoperability is a

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6 Best Practices for Patient Payment Plans

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As healthcare providers rely more on patients for revenue, many have started to use more consumer-centric strategies, like payment plans that enable patients to pay balances off over time. Improve processes for your organization and patients by adopting best practices and policies.

A Growing Demand for Payment Plans in Healthcare

The rise in high-deductible health plans and growing out-of-pocket costs is forcing consumers to bear greater

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The Latest Technology Best Practice in Payment Card Security

The Problem

As the rise in healthcare consumerism becomes one of the most influential industry trends, more healthcare providers are accepting payment cards in order to collect more patient payments.  However, the prevalence of data breaches in healthcare – many of which involve patient payment card data – also is increasing.  The financial and reputational cost of a payment card data breach is high and may result in bad publicity and loss of business.  To reduce the risk of a breach,

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