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Three Reasons Why Patient Engagement Matters

Healthcare consumers today owe more for both medical services and health plan premiums. Though the U.S. spends twice as much per person on average for healthcare compared to other industrialized countries, 75 percent of Americans say that the country does not get good value for what is spent. The healthcare experience for patients can no longer be overlooked. Here are three reasons why engaging patients is necessary to create a better healthcare experience.

1. 72 percent of consumers are confused by

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A Great Patient Payment Experience Is Not That Simple

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Improving the patient experience is at the forefront of conversation today for healthcare organizations.

Some vendors claim to offer the simplest, most user-friendly payment experience, but they are only focusing on one specific area of the process instead of the full end-to-end experience. In order to deliver the best possible patient payment experience, ask yourself, what does a great patient payment experience really look like? Here

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How to Handle Patient Refunds: Best Practices for Providers

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Healthcare payments are complex, making it hard to determine the exact amount a patient will owe. This can lead to overpayment. Here are tips for how to create a positive experience when issuing patient refunds.

Why Are There Refunds in Healthcare?

Many factors determine patient payment responsibility, such as patient health benefits, provider contracted rates with a health insurer, discounts and more. When the sources for

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A Look Ahead at Healthcare Payment Innovations in 2017

At InstaMed, we’re proud of the innovations we delivered in 2016 that helped providers and payers collect and manage payments more efficiently and helped improve the consumer experience. At the start of a new year, we want to look at how the challenges facing providers, payers and consumers have changed or evolved, and how we can continue to improve and do more to answer the needs of our customers for simplifying healthcare payments.

Provider and payer organizations are becoming more complex

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EMV: Chipping Away at Fraud One Year After the Liability Shift

EMVIt’s been one year since the EMV fraud liability shift went into effect in October 2015. As a consumer, the main impacts I’ve experienced is a slew of new chip-enabled payment cards in my wallet and some consumer confusion at retail stores where chip card technology is enabled. However, as a Security Officer, I’ve seen many benefits resulting from the introduction of EMV to the U.S., both expected and unexpected. Let’s review:

What is the liability shift?

In October 2015, the major

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“Hut! Set! Hike!” — A Healthcare Provider’s Playbook to Consumer-Friendly Payments

September marks the start of a new football season, and with that comes some changes to the way the game is played. This year alone, NFL players and coaches will have to adapt to changes like new rules for extra point kick attempts, harsher penalties for unsportsmanlike conduct and the relocation of the Rams due to changing market demand.

Much like the game of football, the healthcare payments landscape is constantly evolving. Rules, regulations, competition and industry trends like the demands

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How to Deliver a Consumer-Friendly Experience to All Stakeholders

The healthcare industry has been focused on understanding and adapting to the new impacts of healthcare consumerism, and for good reason; the Sixth Annual Trends in Healthcare Payments Report identified consumerism as one of the major trends impacting healthcare organizations today.

While healthcare organizations should continue improving the consumer experience, new processes should not be implemented at the expense of the efficiency and convenience of other industry stakeholders, including providers (and their staff), payers, third-party billers or any system your organization

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Embracing Digital Wallets, Tokenization and Apple Pay

In the first edition of our Security Corner, I explained some key terms and acronyms that frequently appear in discussions about healthcare payment security. I also had the opportunity to elaborate on those explanations at the InstaMed 2016 User Conference earlier this month. But those terms, while important, do not begin to cover the span of the payment security industry. Plus, new terms are popping into our vocabulary on a regular basis, as the payment industry continues to advance and

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What is Tokenization and Why Should Providers Care?

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As payment technology continues to advance, forward-thinking providers can leverage new ways to improve the healthcare payments process.

While tokenization has been around for years as a means of securely saving payment information, it wasn’t always widespread within the healthcare industry. It is important for healthcare to understand that tokenization offers benefits beyond adding a layer of security to payment card processing. By using this

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