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Virtual Payments: Not Just a Phase in Healthcare

Virtual payments are an emerging payment method for payers to send payments to providers using the card networks. These payments are more commonly known as “virtual cards,” since the recipient can process them just like a credit card.

Thirty-seven percent of providers indicated that they received virtual payments from some payers.

This statistic accurately demonstrates what many providers are currently experiencing: Virtual payments are increasingly leveraged by payers as an alternative to mailing paper checks. While many believe that virtual payments are

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Going Electronic? How to Get Your Providers on Board

In 2020, 26% of surveyed healthcare payers said that more than half of their provider networks still don’t accept ERA/EFT (Trends in Healthcare Payments Annual Report).  Despite the HHS operating rule on EFT standards which went into effect in 2014 and mandated that payers had to adopt ERA/EFT, 84% of surveyed healthcare providers indicated they continue to receive paper checks from one or more payers.

The sooner providers accept electronic payments, the more money payers and providers can save. So how can you

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Enhance the Provider Experience: Deliver Payment Assurance

In an earlier post, we discussed one of the major threats to the payer-provider relationship: the provider’s lack of payment assurance.  This threat poses an opportunity to payers to give their provider networks the tools needed to achieve payment assurance.  In our previous post, we gave tips for payers to deliver payment assurance to their providers.  Below, we’ve included a graphic of the Payment Assurance Framework to demonstrate how payers can deliver payment assurance to providers in each step of the healthcare

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How to Keep Your Provider Network Happy

For a healthcare payer’s provider network, the process to get paid has always been a challenge.  The steps providers take each day, from verifying eligibility and submitting claims, to receiving and reconciling payments, are filled with manual work, paper, errors and delays.  As a result, the fragmented, time-consuming and often stressful process to collect payments is adding a lot of cost pressure on providers.

New healthcare reform mandates also put pressure on providers to find ways to get paid more efficiently. 

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