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3 Key Security Threat Trends Healthcare Organizations Can’t Ignore

Every year, Symantec publishes an Internet Security Threat Report that explores the current state of cybersecurity across industries, including healthcare. This year’s report revealed a few encouraging findings that showed the healthcare industry has improved the way it approaches cybersecurity. Namely, cybersecurity spending has increased across the industry, as has staffing for security, both inside and outside of IT operations. Increased spending for cybersecurity shows a greater commitment and focus from healthcare organizations to get ahead of security threats. This

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How to Keep Your Provider Network Happy

For a healthcare payer’s provider network, the process to get paid has always been a challenge.  The steps providers take each day, from verifying eligibility and submitting claims, to receiving and reconciling payments, are filled with manual work, paper, errors and delays.  As a result, the fragmented, time-consuming and often stressful process to collect payments is adding a lot of cost pressure on providers.

New healthcare reform mandates also put pressure on providers to find ways to get paid more efficiently. 

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True Availability – Part 2: Cloud Protection

Guest Blogger: Chris Seib, Co-Founder & CTO, InstaMed

Last week, I highlighted some common oversights by businesses when leveraging a private cloud that increase the risk of long-term data outages, and detailed the best practices and tips to use in discussions with current or potential vendor partners in order to protect your business. Below is Part 2 of this post, focusing on disaster recovery, business continuity and security.

Disaster Recovery

Even with high degrees of local redundancy in a private cloud data center,

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True Availability: Best Practices on the Cloud

Guest Bloggers: Bill Marvin and Chris Seib, Co-Founders of InstaMed

Last night, I turned on iTunes Match for the first time and streamed music from iCloud while making dinner.  Using the cloud to play music worked great, but it made me wonder: what would happen if the cloud went down and my music was unavailable? For five minutes, or for five hours?  I’d be annoyed and inconvenienced, forgetting all about my recent delight and the old way I used to do

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Achieving Success with Integrated Healthcare Payments

Traditionally, the end-to-end healthcare payments process – from submitting claims to receiving, posting and reconciling payments – has been disjointed and manual, requiring a great deal of paper and leading to errors and delays in payment.  However, as providers continue to feel pressure to reduce costs, leveraging integrated technology to streamline these processes is becoming increasingly important.  Here’s Eastside Pediatrics’ story and the success they achieved with integrated healthcare payments:

A Series of Problems

Inefficient Claims and Remittance Management Processes

On an

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