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The Top 3 Essentials of Payment Security in Healthcare

Guest Blogger: Jeff Lin, Senior Vice President of Product Management, InstaMed

The Washington Post has deemed 2015 “the year of the healthcare hack” with multiple large-scale breaches already compromising the data of more than 100 million U.S. consumers. An issue compounding healthcare’s vulnerability is the rapid increase of consumer payment responsibility since the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Healthcare organizations are seeking ways to connect electronically with consumers to streamline the payments process, improve cash flow and ensure data security, which can significantly

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Communication: The Key to Collecting More

With the increase in consumer-directed healthcare, patient payments are becoming a more important part of healthcare provider revenue. However, as consumers, patients are accustomed to having a clear understanding of the amount owed prior to making a purchase.  Too often in the healthcare industry, patients are clueless about their payment responsibility until they receive a statement. And when patients are confused or uninformed, they are less likely to pay.

Faced with the challenge of collecting more patient payments, Canopy Partners, a

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How to Keep Your Provider Network Happy

For a healthcare payer’s provider network, the process to get paid has always been a challenge.  The steps providers take each day, from verifying eligibility and submitting claims, to receiving and reconciling payments, are filled with manual work, paper, errors and delays.  As a result, the fragmented, time-consuming and often stressful process to collect payments is adding a lot of cost pressure on providers.

New healthcare reform mandates also put pressure on providers to find ways to get paid more efficiently. 

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Top 3 Misconceptions of Collecting from Patients

Many healthcare providers are concerned about the impact to their businesses that will result under PPACA.  Much of this concern is due to the additional 20 to 30 million uninsured Americans that will begin to receive new healthcare coverage in 2014.  With more patients eligible to receive healthcare services, and hundreds of millions of patient payments transactions being added to the U.S. healthcare system, the difficulties providers face with patient collections is becoming a high priority issue.

Shifting the focus to

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